Gomoku AI Engine (2018)
- Gomoku AI engine (alpha-beta search, heuristic evaluation, threat-based search, transposition table).
- C++ (AI, HTTP+WebSocket Server), HTML/CSS/JS (Web UI).
Energy Mesh (2016)
- Monitors the electric energy consumption of each device in a house in real-time using a sensors mesh network.
- C++ (embedded firmware), NodeJS/ExpressJS/MongoDB (back-end), AngularJS (front-end).
Laser Bot (2015)
- Engraves images or vector graphics (svg files) onto wood, cloth, and other burnable materials using laser.
- C++ (embedded firmware), Java (PC Software).
Chemical Calculator (2014)
- In the form of a pocket calculator, it can look up and balance thousands of simple and advanced chemical equations.
- C (AVR), MS SQL (data processing)
Smartphone-controlled toy car (2013)
- Little hands-on experiment to learn mobile and Arduino programming.
- C++ (Arduino), Java (Android)
My-Islands webgame (2013)
- Informative webgame for players to learn more about Vietnam islands' facts and history.
- ASP.NET/MS SQL (Backend), HTML/CSS/JS (Frontend)
Smart Home (2013).
- Controls home appliances using a remote, a smartphone, or a computer via the internet.
- Assembly (8051), C (AVR), VB.NET (Windows, Windows Mobile).