
- 6/2023: Started working at Jump Trading (Software Engineer).
- 8/2020: ASE'21 tool paper on learning program interactions using decision trees (with Professor ThanhVu).
- 7/2021: OOPSLA'21 paper on analyzing program complexity using dynamically inferred recurrence relations (with Didier and Professor ThanhVu)
- 5/2021: Outstanding Undergraduate Research Assistant Award, one recipient per year, selected by the faculty.
- 4/2021: Top Presenter Award at the Nebraska Student Research Days, six recipients out of 154 participants.
- 12/2020: ICSE'21 paper on learning program interactions using decision trees (with Professor ThanhVu).
- 7/2020: ICSME NIER paper on using symbolic execution to analyze the Linux build system (with Professor ThanhVu).
- 6/2020: Started doing Production Engineering Intern at Facebook.
- 3/2020: Joined UNSAT research group.
- 11/2019: Won first prize at site, second in region at the ICPC North Central NA Regional Contest (with Quan and Cuong).
- 8/2019: Started studying at UNL.